Do you ever feel??

Hey everybody !! I just want to let all this emotions I have inside of me amd I havent told no one ..first I have a beautiful 8 year old girl who im blessed to be her mommy . Me and my husband didnt try to concive until 2 years ago I never used any birth control during those 8. Years nor prior but at year 6 we try to go for our second child I got pregnant and miscarried at 6 weeks to me it was so painful I know some people miscarried further along but to me I was already attached to my baby and to lose it it was the worst thing ive ever been threw . After that happend I got really depressed and scared I didnt want to try again until this which marks two years already wr tried to conceive this may and im really scared for several reasons ever since I miscarried my period has been changing completly I use to be a regular each month flow now I dont even know if I even have periods ... cuz they are not regular theyre mostly brown discharge with a little red sorry tmi . Sanother reason im scared to go threw the same thing again . And also im scared to get pregnant because ever since that miscarriage I have gain a lot of weight anf I know being overweight comes with alot of complications. Im just so scared I will get a negative and also a positive but I really do wsnt want a sibling for my daughter but if gods intention are for me to just have my daughter I will cherish every moment because I know how bless I am to know what being a mother is ..I just wanted to let my feelings out thank you for taking your time in reading this