.... oops? (Prt. 2)

So, I had posted this previously and received lots of comments from "ladies" and thank you for the nice and not so nice ones. Decided to do an update since people stated I was "not so nice words".
Well, up until then the soon-to-be-ex wife had not contacted me at all until a week ago today. She sent me a text saying "they weren't getting a divorce no matter what he had told me". Little did she know I've been there throughout the meetings that he's had with his lawyer. So, I had it. She even texted me that they were still having sex which I have always believed him and trusted him regardless of our "situation". They were still living together until the divorce was final and their money would then slot and she could afford her own place. I'm not going to lie, I did hate that but I knew I didn't have a say so. Well, she texted me Wednesday. I didn't respond. She texted Thursday and by then I wasn't going to show her that I was "hiding". I replied to leave me alone. I told him I had it and to move her out. He had received a bonus check from his work on Friday so she was gone on Saturday. Even though I had to give up or mini weekend getaway it was worth it. Now just to wait for the divorce to be final on June 1st and we are done with her in our lives.