Please don't judge

Okay well I'm 15, I've made some pretty bad decisions in my life. I lost my virginity at the begining of this year (i was 15) and then later this year my bf cheated. We've been through a lot together and after all of our long conversations and many sleepless nights I decided to give him another chance but said if he cheated on me again we were done. Well he didn't cheat on me again that I know of. Well I was stupid enough to have sex again after he did that we used protection. And earlier this month I got diagnosed with herpes😭 it sucks to be 15 and have your first time and full on relationship lead to this and it somehow got around school and now there is a rumor going around saying I have an std and apparently I'm pregnant (I'm not) and when people ask I deny but it's still going around and I wanna talk to my bf about everything cause I'm the one getting called a whore and everything and getting all the blame when he was the one who cheated and I've only slept with him. Idk what to do anymore. Again please don't judge I already am and currently don't want anymore.