today just sucks.

First off , my mother is telling me to sign MY daughter up for dance and that I need to do it. If my daughter doesn't want to do something like sports or etc, she shouldn't have to. Maybe she's not interested in it. We tried out piano because my mother signed her up without telling me until after it was done & that didn't work out at all. Should I have to sign MY daughter up for things just because my mother said ? I say HELL NO! 
And second, I hate when I text someone and they don't respond at all, but they were on Facebook lol. It's important too. 
And third, my husband liked something on Facebook called cosplay deviants😡 why does he need to look at half naked girls that show up on his newsfeed ? I think he wants me to be skinny like them. Because the day he liked that page he asked me what was wrong (had to with something else ) and he wasasking  what he did after he un-liked the page on Facebook.  he knows how I feel about that kind of stuff. But why act dumb and ask what's wrong if he already knew? 
And fourthly, I keep gaining weight and I'm fat.