My baby girl...

I have a five year old daughter, turns 6 next month. Her dad and I haven't been together since April 2011 and he hasn't been around physically since Nov 2011, she was like 2. He had to leave the state (personal issues) and he's always kept in touch, helped out financially. Him and I have a good communication I guess you can say and he asked to take my daughter for two to four weeks this summer. I said yes thinking he won't come because he's asked before but never comes...but I just got a message from his sister saying he's coming June 1 for my daughter!!! She wants to see him and go with him and I definitely don't want to be blamed for keeping her from her dad, she looks just like him lol but omg I'm freaking out!! We've never been apart for more than a weekend and that was only once!! Omg, what am I going to do without her? Anybody else gone though this or something similar?? How did you survive!!!!? Lol