Breast feeding ?


I hadn't produced any milk when I gave birth on Monday but four days later and I'm filled with colostrum right now , well my son is already use to bottles , is there any way I can try to get him to latch ? My pump broke and I don't have the means of getting another one , and I really want to switch to breast feeding . 
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Posted at
My baby does all👏 boob, bottle, nipple shield! I would def try! Make them as versatile as you need


Shanna • May 29, 2015
My baby does the same .. He's very flexible. Lol


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It might take him a little bit of time but yes, absolutely. You might have to use a nipple shield though because he might be used to the plasticity material and won't latch on to you directly. If you can hand express, try running some of your breast milk on to the nipple shield to entice her. Or do the bait and switch with the pacifier. Give her a few sucks of the pacifier to establish his sucking then take it out and put him on your boob immediately. I tried to get my daughter back on the boob after pretty much bottle feeding all the time and she did fine.


Carolina • May 29, 2015
Practice makes perfect so just keep putting him on you as much as you can.


Posted at
Offer your boob hun! Skin to skin, Hand express a little onto your finger while holding bub near your nipple and give it to bub. Squeeze your nipple into a good shape to help bub get a good latch! Congrats!!! Xxx


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Some insurance companies will pay for you to get a pump for free. Have you checked into that to see if it's an option for you? I got mine within a couple days. Sorry I don't have any breastfeeding advice since my baby isn't here yet.


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You can totally switch, just need to offer baby breast consistenly. Maybe contact a lactation consultant to come help you! 


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You could get a nipple shield to get him started on the boob then take it away once he gets the hang of it a little more 


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Try skin to skin contact! You can do it!