Weird feeling in my belly

So I've been trying to consive for about 2 months I took a test which came out negative Not to long ago buy recently I have felt some tinckling in my belly never have I felt that before should I be worried or should it be that I am prego I'm scared!!!
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I had a feeling I was pregnant when I felt a vibrating sensation coming  from my lower abdomen. That was 5 days after ovulation and lasted 3 days. Turns out it was implantation cramps. I still had to wait another week to get my bfp.


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If you are pregnant, you wouldn't be feeling any kind of movement yet. So the feeling is more than likely not pregnancy related


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You might be feeling yourself ovulate! I can feel it when i do.


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I read a story similar to yours just yesterday on the internet..the lady had tickling around her belly button... Never thought she could be pregnant only feeling that and she most definitely was 6 weeks pregnant...every woman's body is different tho don't compare yours to others!!! Good luck!!!


katey • May 29, 2015
I'm sure it was a coincidence considering the uterus is still below the pubic bone and a 6 week fetus weights less than a gram and is only about 5mm in length.