Too old to start a journal

I'm 24 and I we think I'd like to start writing in a journal. I don't want to use my phone because it just doesn't feel personal enough for me. I just have these days where I can't talk to anyone and I think maybe of I write them down I'll feel better. Does anyone else do this?

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Posted at
I think ur never too old to start a journal. If it helps, keep doing it. 


Posted at
Who says there's an age limit on journaling???


Posted at
I've kept a journal since I was 12 it helps me sort out my feelings 


Posted at
You are NEVER too old to start a journal


Posted at
You're never too old to start a journal! & you'll love reviewing it later, & you're family will love you for it after you are gone. Do it!!!


Posted at
I have kept a journal since high school and most recently over the past three years through my journey through infertility. It saved me. Journaling is free therapy! 📖


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I'm 31 & I still have one 😊


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I'm 25 and married. I've had a journal since I was 15 and still going. I don't like to keep entries in a computer in case it crashes or I forget to save it lol. 


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I have a special folder on my computer for journal entries and a paper notebook if I feel like writing writing. I use both regularly since my MC and its helped me get through things and get things off my chest without having to say it out loud


Jess • May 30, 2015
im 24!