Af due 6/4 anyone else?

Hello, my name is Kelly I'm 33- this is my 5th month trying for baby# 2- I have a son that's almost 16 years old (was 18 for 5 days). Last November 3rd I was shocked to find out I was pregnant having been told I would not likely conceive again, which sadly resulting in a miscarriage 20 days later 😭- so in January my fiancé and I
Decided to start TCC with no luck- I had a checkup with my obgyn 5/21 and was told everything was fine and wished me luck- I used the opk and it said I ovulated on 5/20- I took a pregnancy test yesterday which was negative- If everything was correct I am 9dpo today so still holding out hope that I'm pregnant- the only symptom I had in November was very sore breast which is not a common af symptom for me, which I have now and I am eating sweets like crazy which isn't normal for me either Fx and baby dust for you all-
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Posted at
My period is due 6/4 and I'm 10 DPO today, got a BFP! Baby dust to everyone!!


Posted at
Hi ladies! Due 6/4. So nervous to test this month. I'm at 10dpo.


Daronnica • Jun 1, 2015
me too.... i have been having symptoms im also due on the 4th


Posted at
How long have you been trying? Is the tww as stressful for you- it's so hard to keep from testing even though it's to early and so heartbreaking when I see the bfn


Sonia • May 31, 2015
thank you! I hid them I literally forgot where they are lol


Kelly • May 31, 2015
You should have your wife hide them cause if you know where they are you be tempted- BFP coming your way!!!


Sonia • May 31, 2015
just this month me and my wife did AI and I'm in my tww I had to hide my pregnancy tests from myself...


Posted at
Im due 6/3 and wish i didnt test. Idk why i do that to myself! !


Shanna • May 31, 2015
i have three digis!!! i took one out to take today and put it back. dollar tree tests i dont mind wasting daily though!


Elizabeth • May 31, 2015
I do the same thing most months. (((Hugs))) I've got a clear blue digital test begging me to pee on it lol. Baby dust!


Posted at
Well I started my new job today which is great/ but stupid Af showed her ugly head- plus I have to have a colposcopy done on the 11th because I have one of the 14 potential cervical cancer causing HPV not a great day for me fertility wise but a great first day of work!


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I am also due June 4


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Hi, my name is Gabby & I've been ttc for about 11 months now . AF is due on 6/3 ! Hopefully she doesnt show ! & baby dust to you !! ^.^


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Had a highly emotional day and me and my fiancé are still fighting- normally not this emotional or mood before af-  before the shocking pregnancy I didn't keep track of my periods and the only symptoms I did have would be horrible low back pain the day it started- durning this TCC I have all kinda of mood swings and I don't know if because I trying for a baby that I notice or I've actually also been this crazy before I start- my fx that it's because I'm pregnant this time 


Posted at
I'm due 6/4 as well. Had a rough ovulation this month, and have had weird symptoms on and off during this TWW. I've been eating literally all day today, to the point where I'm getting annoyed with food. Haha. Holding out testing until I'm late, if I make it that far. Good luck!!! 


Elizabeth • May 31, 2015
I haven't had fast food since January and this morning I NEEDED a Burger King breakfast. For dinner, I NEEDED fried chicken. I've had half a strawberry cobbler, corn on the cob, and all this crap I take two bites of and I'm full. So I've literally been eating all day. I feel like such a fatty! Lol


Kelly • May 31, 2015
Totally feel you i am not a junk food junkie normally but I had cake and pie for dinner- I bought the cheap test at Walmart yesterday when I went for the junk food and couldn't resist taking one but I did good today and didn't test- good luck to you bfp for all of us in 3 or so days such a long wait


Posted at
Same here! Hope it doesn't show lol


Kelly • May 31, 2015
Same here!! And then pray for a heathy pregnancy couldn't handle another mc 😖