I think I'm pregnant?

I've had sore boobs for like a week and a half . I've checked my cervix it is soft almost like the inside of my bottom lip.. If that makes sense lol
It's not open . I may have possibly had a small period but I'm not sure if it was or not. My cm has been constant every day and now have a pink tinge to it . 
Friday day of last . April 28.. 
30 day cycle. Small bleeding  on the 19-21 used tampon for first day and then didn't need it again. Only when went to bathroom. 
Expected period was supposed to be the 28th again. No sign of period just pink tinge cm. 
took a test on 27 at clinic and negative . 
Should I at least wait till Monday to take a test? I don't have any other symptoms other then breasts and erect nipples , some headaches , and sore muscles (I haven't done any strenuous activities) 
Please some advice and opinions please ?