Am i pregnant??? Scared to test

Ok 1st can u hv light blood clots during implantation. I had a weird period or what i thought was .,,,,, should i say af. It was super light the first day, i had blood clots the second day, then when i woke up the third day it was gone. I put on a pad just in case..... some months it'll go away the third day but come bck, but Nothing some blood when i whipe but really nothing on the pad. Only lasted 3 days when i normally go 5. But my body feels different. Sweating at night in my sleep, feeling so sick where i hv to lay down. Mainly just getting real light headed on and off during the day. Now all of a sudden im having pelvic pain where i hv to undue my pants. Im so confused and af is not due again till the 14th. Any answers from maybe someone kinda going through the samething. I know i just need to test but im just too scared to see bfn.