Think I jinxed myself....

For the last week or so I've had occasional nausea, tender/ sore breasts and nipples ( sorry if tmi) and I work overnight so sleepiness is common anyway, but I'm hungry sometimes and food makes me nauseous other times. Now my SO and I wanna/ wanted to start trying in September for a fall baby. But tonight I figured I'd take a test just because I was almost 80% sure it'd be a bfn..... Well I was wrong..... I got a BFP! I'm at work and at the current moment scared to tell my husband.... Only because he wanted to wait..... Idk what to do ladies.... Any advice? If I go off this app I'm now 5 weeks and 3 days due January 28th 2016..... One day after my husbands 24th birthday. Well welcome baby#2 😨😳😊😍☝️🙏