Relationship Issues

So this girl I know was mad at her bf last night. So she put the guy down talking about how he's broke and doesn't have a job. She said that she wished he drowned yesturday and that she's sick of his crap. She has severe depression and she just had a bad day and so she usually takes out her frustration on him. So last night he left her alone at home and went out with his guy friends. Where he proceeded to talk very badly about her by calling her a bitc*, as*, cun* and telling his friends he was going to punch her where her two fake teeth are, talking about her sex toy that she had and taking it and showing it to his guy friends to embarrass her. He spent most of the night bad mouthing her. So she heard what her said online whe his friend posted a video of what he said and apparently she took some of his comic books and hid them from him. I heard that when he got home he tried to post her nudes online because she wouldn't tell him where his comic books are. He said his actions are right because she made him do it. She on the other hand is angry he would even talk about their relationship issues to other people and talk foul about her behind her back. What do you think?