Want to have children but it scares me!


Is there any woman out there that wishes to have kids, but regarding their current situation or health or just from the fear of it, can't or shouldn't?

For me:

1) My body is severely with out at the young age of 28. My hips are very misaligned, my back and neck are constantly in pain. And my health had just gone downhill the last 4 years.

2) My husband has a serious problem in dealing with stress, he would not be able to handle children at all. I myself am not the best handler of stress either!

3) Mental health issues run in my family and I think in my husband's family too. Especially Depression and anxiety.

4) Currently working a very stressful hazardous job and would fear for my pregnancy and my own health.

5) The idea of raising a child is just scary in itself!!!! Children getting sick, having accidents, protecting them from sickos and bullies!

6) My jealous possessive rat terrier wouldn't like the idea. Lol