7 Weeks, think I'm having a MC due to prior birth control please anything helps!

Hello, everyone I just have a few questions. So I'm Kaylah and I was currently 7 weeks pregnant but before I get into that I was previously on the nexplanon implant (in the arm) birth control, I had it removed in March 2015 because it made me bleed so much,  was on the pill for 2 weeks when my husband and I had decided we wanted to have a baby. AF came that very next week and then the following week we conceived. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and I believe I am having a miscarriage. Yesterday morning I was spotting a little and it cleared up in the afternoon my husband and I had intercourse early that evening and then the bleeding seemed to be back and worse I thought maybe it was just from the second because I read online that that would be normal. And so I went to bed and this morning it was like worse but the bleeding was only when wiped after using the restroom so I called my nurse hotline and she said not worry it was just from the sex that if I pass any grey/white tissue to call back, well later this afternoon I passed the grey/white tissue and I believe that was my baby. It was about 3in long 1 to 2 inches wide and it looked just like the picture on my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">pregnancy app</a>. Now the bleeding is getting worse and I'm wondering if this is because of the previous birth control? I've done some research online and there are other who worries match mine. Please if you relate to me in any way please let me know, it's being comfort to me to know that this could be the cause. Thank You and have a nice day! 
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Posted at
The same exact thing happened to me. I removed implanon then switch to the pill. Stopped the pill to get pregnant. I started spotting discharge after sex and ended up having a miscarriage. You should call your doctor to make sure.


Posted at
Sounds like a miscarriage. I'm so sorry! I agree that it might have something to do wth the birth control. Both times I have gotten pregnant after getting my mirena removed I lost the pregnancy. First time we connived immediately and the baby did not make I past 8 weeks and I miscarried at 12. This time I had it removed at the end of November and had issues with my cycles, conceived in April and lost the pregnancy on May 19. My midwife agrees that it could be complications ffrom the mirena. Hoping for my 2nd rainbow baby soon.


Sarrie • Jun 1, 2015
i had my mirena out in February 2015 conceived in March 2015 & found out on April 27th my babys heart stopped at 8 weeks. i believe it had to do with the mirena also. I had d & c on 5/1. I am waiting for my AF so we can start trying.


Mallory • Jun 1, 2015
First time in 2010 we got pregnant right after and lost that baby at 12 weeks. Then this last time I had it removed in November I got pregnant in April and lost the baby on may 19


Kaylah • Jun 1, 2015
How long after removal did you ttc again and were successful?


Posted at
Nothing that you did, including birth control, caused your miscarriage. &nbsp;There is NOTHING you could have done to prevent it.I'm really sorry for your loss.


Posted at
Hi honey..I went through the same thing @6 weeks. I wasn&apos;t in terrible pain..actually I had hardly no pain at all but I began spotting only when I wiped...then it eventually.led to heavier bleeding. I went to the Dr and they performed blood work and checked my cervix..it was still closed. By that afternoon I began passing heavy clots and then passed the greyish-whitish material. I just knew I lost the baby. The next day they called me and told me my hcg levels had drooped to 48 which confirmed I had miscarried. I am so so sorry honey....I wish I could tell you it wasn&apos;t the case. Just know my thoughts and prayers are with you and if you need to talk let me know. Its def heartbreaking but don&apos;t give up hope that you will conceive again. I just ended my first period since the miscarriage and we will be TTC again..I am scared n nervous but I want a baby so bad that I just can&apos;t give up. God has a plan for everyone and the one.thing that I kept telling myself was that at least I know I can get pregnant because for almost 11 years I was told I may never be able to...and I kept telling myself that this was gods way of saying that it wasn&apos;t our time..that there would be something wrong and the pegnnacy wouldn&apos;t be healthy... Let me know if you need to talk


Kaylah • Jun 1, 2015
Thank You So much for the reply. We are going to try again as soon as possible. After going to te dr and getting checked out of course. I really want a baby as well :)


Posted at
Sounds like a miscarriage 💔 I am so sorry&nbsp;