Is he trying to make me jealous?

My boyfriend talks constantly about his friend's girlfriend. Not in a sexual context but he tells me how funny and good in video games she is, and how she is always tells stories about guys wanting or falling for her. 
I dont know how to react, I dont want to act like a crazy jealous person but it makes me crazy. It IS weird...right?
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Posted at
Giiirl, your better then me lol. If my boyfriend spoke about another girl all the time, then I would've done popped and cussed him straight tf out & would've said something to her. Buuut, I'm crazy so don't do that. Lol.But probably talk to him about it if it makes you uncomfortable, that's not okay and it is weird as hell.


Jimena • Jun 1, 2015
Hahaha Its been hard to keep calm XD


Posted at
Not that I think what he's doing is ok but maybe he likes certain aspects of her personality like that she plays games and sounds like she's maybe a little bit of a guys guy so perhaps he's trying to hint to you things about her he wishes you would do? Like join him playing games and what not. I would just seriously ask him about it calmly just say not judging but what's the deal with this chick lol and see how he reacts and what he says and go from there. If he wanted to get with her I'm doubting he would be so open with talking to you about her you would probably never hear a word about this chick if he was actually cheating with her. So just ask 


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Seems like he's treating her like one of the guys and intrigued she's more into guys things. It's a good thing he is open about these things with you, but if you are feeling uncomfortable have a lil chat with him. 


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Id feel the same way. Knowing me id provably get all defensive and say something like if shes so great date her. (In hopes hed say something like whhhhaaat no your better)


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I think he is hinting for you to play games with him, at least a few times. My ex was more direct about it after his nudging went over my head lolGuys get thristy over girls that game. They have done really dumb things in game to get my attention, or act nicer to my character for dumb and annoying reasons. But, there are just as many guys who dontcare about the girl, they just want their team mates to be good players. I get recommended a lot for being a good player, not (*just) because I am female *in some cases, like im a novelty/token player


Posted at
He is disrespectful.if my husband did this,I'll tell him to go marry her! Why is he praising another female in front of u? Maybe praise his friends,see how he would feel about it,if he says anything,tell him how come you can but I can't? 


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He is either cheating, or wants to cheat with her. You can't talk about someone or something that much without being obsessed. Sorry hun.


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Wow, you seem incredibly calm about this. I would've gone insaaane! Tell him how you feel about it in a non offensive way and see how he reacts. It does seem a bit weird. Good luck (: