RE Advice

So I am needing some advice on what questions to ask my RE. I had surgery in January to clear a blocked tube and remove some endo. In Feb I started 2.5 Femara and timed intercourse. I did the same dose and timed intercourse in March and April. In May I was out of town and was not able to get in firing my window to start meds so I just did timed intercourse and lots of hoping! I took an PT and got a BFN this morning. My plan is to do an <a href="">IUI</a> this month. Is it just me or is it word that I haven't done a single ultrasound since my surgery? I have no idea if I even have follicles for a successfully <a href="">IUI</a> and am worried that my endo has come back and causing problems again. Any suggestions or questions would be great! I'm calling the doc in a few days if I don't start my cycle on my own.