Breastfeeding selfie topic

I want some opinions. I personally do not agree with them, Why? Well because the only ones that I have ever seen are woman distastefully flipping the camera off and than some nasty caption along the lines of F**** off etc. How is that helping encourage breastfeeding? To me if you want to help make BF socially acceptable, I think it starts with you teaching your children what breasts are for!! We teach our children to keep private parts private, so yea when they grow up they are uncomfortable seeing a woman's breast exposed in a restaurant and they can't comprehend that. Most people dont think to teach their child how a human woman feeds their child unless they are already breastfeeding or the child is exposed to it and it has to be yes to some people they think it is nudity and there's nothing wrong with that you cant change how they were raised.... but you can change the world by teaching our future children about breasts properly, So they grow up and don't even look twice when a woman is feeding their child without a cover cause its natural to them! I was not exposed to breastfeeding as a child so I get uncomfortable when I see it, however I breastfed my child so now yes I understand but I can't change that immediate first reaction of feeling uncomfortable at first. I don't judge them, I just feel as if I accidently walked in on someone going to the bathroom.... So to me if you Wana change the world teach your children how a mother feeds her child, what breasts are made for, and that sometimes people use bottles whether it be formula or breast milk. Cause do your children really know what breasts are for or do you just think they know? Rant over, sorry I just see this all the time some woman pushing breastfeeding down everyone's throats but they didn't stop to teach their own children.

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