Don't understand

My SO and I have been TTC for 7 months now. Learned he's sperm count is low :'(. Looked up so much to increase his sperm count and he's doing everything I ask of him so we can have a baby. Just got off my weirdest period. I normally have it every 28-30 days and bleed heavy for a week straight. This time it was just spotting everyday but two days and those two days were light for me. Not saying I mind because I hate being on my period. Because my period was not normal I took a test and it said "not pregnant" sucks when I read that! Today I went into Wal-Mart and walked through the coffee part. From the smell I wanted to puck so bad! What the crap? Is this just my mind because I want to be pregnant? Yet I know I'm not. Why does this have to be so complicated!