Diagnosed with pregnancy? What?!

I was on youtube today watching videos about my pregnancy and i decided to read the comments and this one woman on there said "Ya i got diagnosed with pregnancy yesterday, I'm 4 weeks." DIAGNOSED? Pregnancy isn't a disease. Like that just sounded so silly. Maybe its my hormones but that really annoyed me so i thought id rant! Thanks for listening! 😁
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Posted at
That was my reaction when I read the title of this hahaha ...I was like jeesh must not be happy about it "diagnosed" lol


Posted at
I think it's just a way different people say it. Either cultures or languages. I've heard "I've fallen pregnant" before as well :) 


Amber • Jun 2, 2015
this cracks me.up, because it's like you're ill.. I've heard someone say they caught being pregnant, as if it were a viral thing. Lol


Posted at
I went to the ER for spotting and when I left my discharge papers said Diagnosis: Pregnancy.. I know odd huh.lol


Posted at
It's just medical terminology. You'd be amazed at the things you can be diagnosed with that aren't actual diseases. 


Posted at
It's just medical terminology, if you are pregnant, it's going to be listed as a diagnosis in your medical record, with a code to bill insurance.