Anyone know?


I've been having irregular periods lately (sometimes my period last 5 days, or 7 days) and I just found out last week Thursday that I have UTI and I started my period a day before when I found out, so I've been taking antibiotics for the UTI.

Anyways, yesterday and today my period was getting lighter but I have noticed that I have been bleeding out tiny clots which seems abnormal to me because that doesn't happen when my period is ending. Just a little while ago, I started to bleed heavy and more blood clots are coming out. I'm on my 7th day of period. I don't have a doctor, I just moved here (Ohio) and just got my insurance card today and I don't have a car. So I don't know how I'm gonna see a doctor. How did I find out that I have uti? I had an ambulance transport me to the hospital and I paid for my medicines and I paid for a taxi ride home.

If I'm not making any sense, I'm sorry. I suck at things like this.