New vitamin regimen and 5 DPO plus multiple ovulation?

While I'm not actively TTC, if it happens, I'm fine with it. After my last miscarriage, (this is my second cycle since), I went to an herbalist and got started on a new vitamin regimen. It's pretty complicated, and involves a LOT of pills, but I haven't felt this good in years, and I'm only ten days into it. Right now I'm taking a prenatal, B6 to complete the b vitamin family, vitex, maca root, fish oil, FertileAid, FertileCM, OvaBoost, and a low dose progesterone cream to counteract the estrogen dominance and short literal phase until the vitex and maca root kick in. 
Like I said, I'm not actively TTC, as it was reccomended I wait at least three months in order to give my body a chance to adjust and stabilize, but I was intimate two days prior to O, and no birth control was used. I know this cycle is probably going to be a LOT different than what I'm used to, because of the progesterone, and my body still readjusting after the loss, (last month my boobs were so sore right before AF I was almost convinced I was pregnant again, but knew that wasn't possible.) So far, nothing but a tiny bit tender boobs, and some cramps. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, and that I need to wait, but I can't help but keep my fingers crossed. 
I've used OvaBoost before, and I was shocked at how effective it was. I was charting at the time, and the first full month I used it, my temp spiked, I got EWCM, and felt ovulation pain in my ovaries, three in my right, two in my left. I literally felt the "pop" all five times. Even though it's only been ten days, and I'm not charting, (I see no point for now, it'll just drive me crazy, I'll start again in a couple months), I've seen EWCM twice, five days and three days ago, and again felt the ovary pain and distinctive "popping" sensation. I usually feel it most months, and there's an increasing amount of pain leading to O, which generally makes charting my backup instead of primary information about my cycle, but this is starting to get ridiculous. I'm hesitant to speak to my dr about it, because it's not overly painful, or even a problem. I just want to know if it's "normal".  
Now, if only I could get my progesterone levels back to where they should be. :/ I'm really hoping that will stop the miscarriages, and I can finally have my rainbow baby.