Newly wed

Leticia • Hello, I`m the mother of two wonderful kids, Jay who is 5 years and Pyn who is 1. I`ve wanted another child as soon as Pyn was born but chose to give her my all before trying for one. I`m ready now!
God I love my husband but dammit sometimes he makes me so mad that sometimes I think I'd be better off without him. He has anger issues and claims to be working on it but I've not seen him do anything to work on it. Anyways we just got into an argument because he didn't know what movie I was talking about and thought I was making stuff up and when he found out what I was talking about he called me a list because I had a detail wrong. It pisses me off when he acts like I'm stupid or lying when he just doesn't know what I'm talking about, so I got mad and his reaction was to call me a b*tch and go to bed. When he wasn't mad anymore he thought he could just force a kiss from me and I'm supposed to be okay. I don't think my husband is supposed to call me a b* no matter what, am I wrong in thinking this?