Pray I don't lose my mind

Jenny 🐸♉️ • SAHM of 4 full time nanny and married to a wonderful man that I love I have a crazy life but wouldn`t change a thing
Today's the last day of school so I'll have all 4 of my kids home and my step daughter is coming and I babysit another lil girl so I'll have a 15,14,7,6,2,2 all girls one boy at home for the summer my mom says to stock up on wine lol it's funny the kids are so happy and all I can think of the grocery bill and how dirty the house is going to be  I can foresee all the arguing over the tvs to be any SAHM having the drama I'm in now ( no negative remarks I'm only being over dramatic in a joking way ) I joke to my husband I would of never agreed to stay home if I knew I'd have all these kids j/k he says he thinks he has to work late this summer lol well there's s pool across the street I got six flag passes and zoo passes all I need is a bus to transport this big bunch around to all you mama out there happy summer vacation stay saine don't let these kiddos make you nuts I know I'm going to try to stay strong lol