Fiancé Doesn't, I Do

I really want to get pregnant again, although I HATE pregnancy. Its awful and miserable and I'm sick ALL the time. But I see my baby getting bigger and I love having a baby-baby around the house. My fiancé on the other hand doesn't want another one yet, but he's doing nothing to prevent it. He believes if it happens it happens. But he still gets irritated if I bring up having another one. He gets excited when I think I might be pregnant again, though. I'm really confused on what he wants and I'm also slightly confused on what I want. I know that having another one will cause WAAAY more stress on us than we need right now, but I can't help but want it anyways... I don't know. Is trying to conceive right now a bad thing? We'll love the baby no matter what and be excited when it happens, but the idea of it upsets him and kind of scares me. Gah. I'm sorry, this probably doesn't make sense. I just need advice. To baby, or not to baby? That is the question. There isn't any protection involved, so we practically are TTC anyways, but I don't know if I should enforce some sort of protection to save his feelings.