
Misty • I have 5 boys. I’m over 40 and my S/O is 17 years younger than me. We are trying for his and our first child. We can`t wait to see what our DNA creates!!!
I got me some lovin tonight!! My fiancé has been nervous about having sex with me since I was put on bed rest. But tonight he gave me a foot massage then when the kids went to bed he gave me a lower back and booty massage. Of course I had to be on my elbows and knees for him to do this. He said since he was back there he couldn't let it go to waist. 😜 It was great!! I haven't had any penetration in 2 weeks, be sides the OB shoving her hand up there to check my cervix. I am about to get the best nights sleep in weeks. Good night everyone.