Low hcg but doubling and period after IUI

Hello everyone! I am so confused and at a loss right now. I had my 4th <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on May 20th and had my HCG level drawn on 14dpo and it was 3. I was told I was having a chemical pregnancy (I had one the month before) and to follow-up in the office for repeat blood work and ultrasound on day 3 of my period which would be today. I also would be 19dpo. My husband and I had our blood work drawn to rule out why I'm having recurrent chemical pregnancies and to check my HCG so I could start another round of femara for this month's <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. I was on my way home from the appt when the doctor called with my HCG level at 14.1 and my estrogen was in the 120's. My level is doubling every 2-3 days but its low. My doctor is unsure as to whats going on but I have to go in 2 days to get my level rechecked. I was told my current period isn't really a period and we can't count when I would start a new cycle until my HCG are zero. My ultrasound I also had in the office looked great. No cysts, lining looked great. No concerns. Have any of you ladies ran into an experience like this? I'm so confused and just keeping my fingers crossed that my levels keep doubling.