Excited but so nervous!

Cheyenne • Had our beautiful baby girl five days early on June 18th❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yesterday I had a doctors appt at 38+2. I was only dilated half a centimeter more than last time, so 2 cm and still 80% effaced. And obviously she's still fully engaged. So right after my appt I'd say 10 mins, I got HORRIBLE cramping. Diarrhea again! (Tmi sorry) and I started having Braxton hicks but instead of being painless, they hurt in a really weird way and it made me sooo nauseous and sick feeling every time! My SIL swore I was in labor, but a nap and 4 hours later everything stopped and I was having normal, painless Braxton hicks again. That false alarm scared me! I lost a pound and a half, I have diarrhea and nausea, backache, Braxton hicks are more frequent than usual, tons of pressure, etc. My doctor said she thinks I'll go any day and doesn't think I'll make it to my next appt and that was before all of this was happening! I'm super excited but I'm extremely nervous at the same time. This being our first child, we have no idea what to expect once labor starts. We are so ready to have her here but I'm so not ready to push a little human out of my downstairs! Lol! So hoping labor is an easy one and I don't need to ask for an epidural. But until labor happens, I love seeing everyone's babies and hearing all the stories of how different labor is for everyone and how differently it starts off! I can't wait till its my turn to post! :)