Uncomfortable/uncontrollably hot 😓

Amy • George Westlake, born July 10. Weight: 6lbs 9ozs. He is perfect! Now for the next part of this amazing journey.. 🌻💙
I knew that getting hot flushes/feeling hot allllllll of the time is part & parcel of pregnancy but I didn't realise it would be this bad! I'm boiling hot all of the time, no matter what the weather and I'm in southwest devon UK so it's never even warm here let alone hot! I have a fan on me 24/7, im eating ice and drinking ice water all day, cold compresses etc & if im not naked, which has been a MUST lately ofc if I'm not outside lol, I'm only ever in very thin cotton clothes or pyjamas! And yet my temperature is through the roof 24/7! I can't sleep, at all because of it. I think I've had about 6 hours sleep in the past 3 days! I told this to my midwife, about the sleep and she said this was normal.. But I'm so exhausted. I literally wake up in pools of sweat, that's if ive managed to sleep. But just in general I am so hot and uncomfortable. I'm 35 weeks on Wednesday so fingers crossed these ware off after a while - but no one warns you of how bad this actually is!! Dare I say it but I actually think this is worse that the morning sickness I had for 16 weeks!!! 😓🙈 anyone else feeling this way? Or ifany one has any tips on how to get my body temperature down from what I imagine being close to the firey pits of hell i'd really appreciate it! Rant over lol. Thanks ladies! 🌻Â