Tubal pregnancy

Holly • I've had three pregnancy losses: 2 miscarriages and an ectopic. I had a baby in 2017 who is now a spunky 3 year old. We are expecting another bundle in October 2021.
Today I had surgery to remove an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. This was my 2nd failed pregnancy in 6 months; my first ended in a miscarriage in December. The worst part right now is yesterday when we had an ultrasound to see what was going on (I went to the ER with bleeding), we heard the heartbeat. It was strong and perfect and there. I can't wrap my mind around how it sounded so good, but it was like a ticking bomb inside me. I know I would have died has I not had it removed, but I feel like a piece of my soul is missing. I don't really have a question or anything, but I'd like to know how many of you had a tubal pregnancy. How did you cope and recover?