Boyfriend problems

So me and my ex boyfriend first got together in January. (We're JR in high school) then I broke up with him towards the end of February. We didn't talk for a really long time. But then in March we started talking again and got back together. Then he broke up with me in May. We stilled talked for awhile. Then Summer rolled around and we were keeping in touch through texting. Then he asked me to Homecoming, which may sound weird cause it 4 almost 5 months away. But in the previous years I had been asked by lots of guys (who I normally told no) as early as June. I think it was mainly so I wouldn't say yes to any one else over the summer. But anyways I told him maybe, and that I thought it was too early to ask. So I really don't know. I feel like we might get back together again but I don't know if that's a good idea being that our relationship has already failed twice.