What ultrasound type are you getting?

Zorayah • I'm a FTM engaged due Jan 8th,2016 with a little girl 💜❤️💗👶🏼
Once I'm 18 weeks I want to get our first high tec ultrasound what's the best one and is the price of $300 for everything and two visits worth it??

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I have my 13 week appointment coming up and I'm hoping my doctor can tell me the gender. At the doctors I currently pay $160 for every ultrasound I get because I haven't reached my $500 deductible. If she won't tell me the gender I'll be going to a 4d gender prediction ultrasound at 14 weeks, it costs $59.


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I'm pretty sure my husband said he wants go to with 3D but I can't remember for sure. I had an ultrasound before I was pregnant that cost $200 something and insurance paid for all of it. Thank God because I was nervous about the bill..


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We are getting a 3d done around 32 weeks and it's only $89...I wouldn't pay 300


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I would wait until you're further along, like 32-34 weeks. Right now the baby has no fat or particular features, but by the last trimester it'll be much better. They'll look close to what they'll look like when born. I wouldn't say it would be worth it at 18 weeks. They did a preview for me at my gender one with my son at 19 weeks and he didn't really look like a real baby in my opinion. Still looked like a cute little alien. 


As • Jun 19, 2015
Ohh then yes, I'd do it. And no it won't hurt the baby. It simply annoys them a little haha. When I got the 4D with my son he let you pay once then come back for free as many times until you had your baby, so I got a lot of u/s done and he was perfectly fine.


Zorayah • Jun 18, 2015
Well the package would be at 18 weeks and then 32/34 I'm so worried it could hurt the baby thanks


Posted at
Wow, that's pretty expensive. I am getting a gender determination at 15 weeks with 3d included and a full 3d/4d scan with video at 32 weeks for $165 for both. 


Zorayah • Jun 19, 2015
I wish it was cheap here I live in sarasota and even hours away they're all expensive


Posted at
I'm not huge on the 3D/4D U.S. They are a little strange looking early in pregnancy. But that's just me. Maybe later on because you can get a good head shot of the baby's face. I'm having my gender ultrasound tomorrow at 15 weeks and 5 days. It's $50 dollars and it is mainly gender determination but includes a HD Live and 10 2D and a bout 3D/4D pictures. It's a good deal!


Posted at
That's a lot of money.


Becky • Jun 19, 2015
Oh and I haven't regretted it yet not getting any outside the docs office.


Becky • Jun 19, 2015
On my 3rd baby and have yet to pay for an extra ultrasound outside my appointments. I don't see the point in it. My hubby would also never go for $300 even if it was for multiple visits.


Zorayah • Jun 19, 2015
My doctor does normal ultrasound but because it's our first our parents want us to get the whole package because we'll regret it according to them they said if they could have when we where born they would have irk if I accept or tell them no


Posted at
This would be the package the $279