BFP 15 days post IUI

Sheena • 38yrs old, wife, social worker, beautiful 6yr old 👦 via IUI in 2015, TTC #2 since January 2018. Stage 2 Endo. 👼 👼 🌈
Would love to hear stories from others who had a BFP after <a href="">IUI</a>
Full disclosure: I'm a moron. 
Why do we do this to ourselves? 
Just setting myself up for possible disappointment. HUGE disappointment. 
Blood work on Monday to confirm if 1st <a href="">IUI</a> was successful. Hubby gone till Sunday. I'm alone. Was bored after work so took a dollar store test. Didn't even hold my pee. Pee'd literally an hr ago. Had to squeeze it out. 
Today is 15 days since my trigger shot so it could be still in my system. My doctor said it lasts in the system for approx 14 days. 
Pic taken 2 minutes after testing. 
I repeat. I'm a moron.