What is a relationship without being bestfriend??

Im in a new relationship, after being almost 5yr with someone eles. My ex and I felt like we where the best of the best friend i could tell him anything and he will go alone with it we would gossip about everything.. Even my pass relationship we where good friends. With this new person "6 months together " i feel like i only got a boyfriend to do what boyfriend and girlfriend do. When i gossip with him, he be like that not my business or who care. I mean what the fun of being with him if I cant tell him everything. Im not a person that gossip with other, just to my SO cuz i feel like i can trust them and with other u have to watch out cuz they can tell other people.. i hate not having a friend just a boyfriend is lame. We are happy but every time i wanna tell him something i hold it in.. is it wrong to leave him just because of this issue? We had a talk already about this btw..