I was induced because of high blood pressure & I went past my due date

I was induced because of high blood pressure & I went past my due date. I was in labor for 36 hours. Cervidil did not work. Potocin helped me dilate but I was progressing very slowly. My epidural did not last long. I received epidural 3 times along with a narcotic. Once I got to 7cms, my uterus stopped having contractions & was considered overstimulated. I did not know this had happened. As my nurse didn't tell me & my pain had increased really bad. I'm not even sure she knew. A shift changed happened & this nurse explained to me what was going on. She turned the potocin off & told me she wanted to let my uterus rest & see if we could get back on track with contractions. I was told she was crowning but the cervix would not cooperate & this was the pain I was feeling. Well I was given epidural over & over to ease this pain I was feeling from my cervix. Nothing was working. I was having very bad sharp pains. This went on for 6hrs. I still did not dilate past 7cms. I could not take the sharp pains any longer. I could not wait any longer. Dr came in & checked me we decided to do a C-Section. 
She was born 7lbs & 7 ounces. 20.25 inches long. We are still trying to decide between two names for her. But leaning more towards one! She is so sweet & precious 😍👪😍💘