Living in a dream world!?

Anyone else? I have my ideal birth plan in my head and think positive thinking helps you along the way! I'm not niave I have worked in health care for 8 years including work in delivery suite at times I know birth plans can completely go out the window and at the end of the day it's all about getting baby here safely! But why do my friends have to put me down by saying I'm living in a dream if I think it's going to go how I want it!? I would love an all natural water birth with relaxation music and my yoga breathing and maximum gas and air but know that if I need it the epidural etc is there if I want it or need it. I don't see any harm in having a dream and positive thinking if anything surely it would help?! Why does everyone have to put me down saying it won't be like that! I feel like they have no faith in my ability to know my own body and mind! 😢😢