Last attempt

Kim • TTC #3 since March. Have a baby girl born March 2013. Baby boy born March 2016.
This is my last attempt at posting, as I never get comments, but I have no one else
To turn to Bc they don't understand. Everyone knows I have been TTC. I jut found out last nite in a matter of 10 min that 2 of my friends are pregnant. I screamed and cried and one friend continued to tell me how exhausted she always feels and blah blah blah. It was like she was rubbing it in knowing how much it hurt. I took my iud out in January and my cycles have been between 23-30 days since. This is my second month using preseed and my first using fertilaid to help regulate. I am now 15 dpo and no sign of pregnancy or AF. I've never had lp be so long so I'm really confused and frustrated now. To add to the stress FF got rid of my crosshairs Bc my post-o temps were not consistent. Don't know if this is from fertilaid too. Anyone go through something similar? Thanks for any help.