She lightly popped me in my mouth..

Krisilynn • 23 years young. Happily in love. Currently pregnant with our rainbow baby🌈🚼! Due to meet baby on March 28th!
Father's day we went to SO's great grandmothers to spend family time...had a mc back in April. Confirmed in may. SO's sister is currently 8 weeks pregnant and likes to boast in my face about it...their grandmother was telling me about how the nickname for the baby is food. Then she saw me standjn there fixing my plate of food and she says "now we need to think of a nick name for yalls baby when you have one". My response was " yeah...if I can even keep a pregnancy going on any longer than a few weeks.." She lightly popped me on the mouth and said "don't think that way.." And she could tell it bothered me. Just by the lightness in my voice so that she could only hear it and no one else. She could tell by the hurt in my eyes that Its been eating me up. Well SO's sister over heard and says "someone must've started the rag. HAHA you aren't pregnant! Better luck next time 'bish'. If it wouldn't have been considered a hate crime, I honestly think I would've knocked her out for sayin that to me. SO and I have been ttc for a year and a half now. Having one chemical(December day before new years <a href="">eve</a>), and then a miscarriage (April). Prior to dating him I'd had 2 miscarriages from accidental situations in which I'd rather not speak of. Not only can I not stand his sister, but it kills me that she's provoking me like this. She comes over everyday bragging about this baby. Shes just got a real sorry attitude and a small fuse. She's constantly slinging in my face that shes finally having a dream come true. 19, getting married and now She's having a baby. I just don't understand how someone with such a crappy attitude, and treats everyone like crap gets to bare life.. And calling me damaged goods also for the record. I just feel like we're never gonna have a full term pregnancy. Its already hard enough to conceive... And Harder to keep pregnant. We've been trying so hard...and it's a let down. Is we can't enjoy a pregnancy bc of fear of losses like the past. I just wish more than anything, that we could just have a baby. That's all I really want in life. To create a tiny human and love it. :/