I went to my regular 38 week check up appointment (10 am), Dr came in and said I was having some hig...

Briana • Married. 22. Expecting Larry Allen July 5th!
I went to my regular 38 week check up appointment (10 am), Dr came in and said I was having some high blood pressure so he sent us to the hospital to be induced! When I got there (11 am) I was dilated to a 1 and got everything hooked up my contractions started on there own about every two minutes so I didn't need to be induced. However my platelets were low because of the bp so I had to be on magnesium which wasn't awful. Got my epidural at 7 and dilated quickly to a 3. The epidural slowed my contractions down so we had to get on some Pitocin. So I only dilated to a 4cm from 7 pm to 5 am. Then when shift change came in my doctor came to check me around 7:30-8 am and said that I was a "rim" to my surprise we were already a 9 1/2! Baby was still high so we labored down for a bit, started practice pushing, then dr came in and we had our beautiful baby boy at 10:09 am. I only had to push for an hour and a half. (Contractions were about four minutes apart)