There is definitely something to be said for a mother's intuition

There is definitely something to be said for a mother's intuition! Yesterday afternoon, at 37 weeks 5 days, I started losing my mucus plug and had lots of lower back pain. There continued to be discharge whenever I went to the bathroom for several hours. I didn't think I was in labor, but that afternoon I kept telling my husband something was starting and the baby might be here soon. Throughout the evening, I noticed that the discharge was a brighter red or blood tinged color. I started to read about what is normal vs abnormal as far as coloring, amount, etc. but what really concerned me was that I felt like the baby wasn't moving as he usually does. I woke up around midnight and debated for an hour and a half whether or not to call the doctor. I had an appointment the next day and thought maybe I would just wait it out. I just couldn't help but feel a pull to call though, just in case.  The doctor said the back pain and discharge sounded normal, but said to come in to have baby's movement monitored. They hooked me up to fetal heart monitor for abt 45 minutes and everything was great. I was abt to be sent home, but the nurse said to stay put for just a few more minutes. Within those few minutes, the baby's heart rate dropped inexplicably. Nurses rushed in, started an IV, gave me oxygen, checked monitors, changed my position, and asked lots of questions. His heart rate came back up within a few minutes, but the doctor arrived and said they would be doing a c section if baby didn't improve. They continued monitoring baby for twenty or so minutes and called for an ultrasound. Ultrasound tech said she had four criteria they were looking at, only two of which baby passed. He was not moving despite steady heart rate. Finally, doctor decided to go ahead with the c section since he was unsure of what had happened and figured baby would not tolerate labor. I was terrified after the whole thing. My whole body was shaking and I was crying on and off. I did not want to have the baby via c section and planned on trying to give birth without an epidural and with our midwife present. That quickly went out the window!
Our son, Robert Wilder Park, was born via emergency c section at 5:22 am. Wilder weighs 5 lbs 15 oz and is 19.25 in. He is healthy and stable!
It turns out his umbilical cord was tangled around his leg restricting his movement and causing distress. 
I am so grateful that I called the doctor and didn't chose to wait until my appointment. It is miraculous how it all happened and that the nurse decided to have me monitored just a few more minutes despite everything originally looking fine. My husband and I are relieved, overjoyed, and in awe of our son!