Amber • 7/1/09 miscarriage (8w2d), 5/31/10 my son was born, 5/26/15 chemical, 6/24/15 chemical.
I finally had my appt with a specialist OB yesterday. It didn't go at all how I planned. I even heard him say to his resident "why is she here?" In the hallway. 😔
We've been trying 8 months now for #2. The last two months we've gotten positive tests, then I started AF. 4 months ago I was 4 days late, and 3 months ago I was 9 days late. I'm not normally ever late, 28 day cycles every month. This is why I got a referral to see him, my doc thought my hormones may be off. 
He tells me that infertility isn't diagnosed until 1+ years of trying with no luck, and suggests that I may have PCOS
Now here's where I'm confused. I've been using OPKs the last two months, and charting BBT, and it all seems fairly normal. I've O'ed both months and temps go along with it. I've never gone one month without a period, in my 20 years of having one. I've never been diagnosed with PCOS either. 
Is it possible to have it this late in life, with still having a normal AF monthly? We can get testing done but it's all cash out of pocket up front, and it's not cheap. 
Just wanting to get some opinions on it. Thanks in advance. 💜