high amniotic fluid ?

at 34 weeks pregnant they told me I was at risk for pre term labor which turned out to be false. I actually ended up having kidney stones which made me have a lot of contractions and dilated me to 3cm 50% effaced and -1 station. I just passed my stone last Wednesday thank god because the pain was unbearable. so since then (34 weeks) I've been in the hospital numerous times with contractions and pain and every time they do a sonogram they ask if my amniotic fluid has been high during my pregnancy which it has not. now my doctor has been scheduling me weekly for sonogram to check fluid levels he said it's nothing to worry about but reading all this stuff on the internet makes me nervous. I am 38+1 and will be going to the doctor on Wednesday to schedule me for an induction at 39 weeks. has anyone else had high amniotic fluid ? 
what did ur obgyn say about it ? I'm freaking out !! I hope it's nothing serious