Worried about baby

BeautyMommy • I love my family
Let me start off by saying I'm not a big worrier. I usually am laid back and think that the baby will be okay. Lately though I've been getting anxious that baby might not be developing right. This is my second baby. My first I felt moving beginning at 15w. I'm 17+3 with this one and only occasionally feel little kicks here and there, nothing like the first time though. I didn't know I was pregnant right away and was taking medications that haven't been researched enough to determine whether they are safe during pregnancy or not. So that had me worried and my 13w ultrasound looked weird I thought. I saw peoples at that stage and it looked like a baby. Mine looked like an alien. I feel like I should be feeling the baby more each day and am not. I'm really starting to worry the baby may not be developing properly. I go for my anatomy scan next week and I'm hoping it will put these fears to rest.