Worried!!!! May be a little TMI

A quick insight about me. Last year may 29th I found out I was pregnant. I had some red bleeding had a vaginial ultrasound and they saw some blood, they also noticed I had a cyst and thought that was causing my bleeding. June 26th I went for a pelvic exam and they confirmed i was miscarrying. I underwent a D&C it was so horrific! I was so hurt and felt so depressed. July 6th I found out I was pregnant. July 7th got pregnancy confirmed and I was told I am 4 1/2 weeks pregnant. Yesterday I wiped and saw light pink but it went away. Today again in the evening I wiped and saw light pink again with a tinge of red and a very time red tissue looking thing. I'm worried because I have miscarried and I'm scared it's happening again. I'm not cramping, or have fever. No pain or anything. I'm just so paranoid. I don't have an obstetrician yet. Idk what to do I want to go to the hospital but don't want to get a vaginal ultrasound.. I have a ultrasound on 08/04 but I can't wait that long to see what's wrong. Idk. Some say it's normal others say to get seen. I'm so lost and scared! Has any one experienced this with a healthy pregnancy? Please help.