Is this a start line?? Or imagination

I cant se straight anymore.... i am not ttc..... lmp was 17/6/15...ovulated 30/6/15....hubby had vacectomy 9 years ago... so we don't use, 29, 2. feeling strange since 5dpo. ....never hungry but nausea....feel congested like flu is about to start. nips tender....but not unbearable. Faint lower backaches and hot face flashes in evening since 8dpo... weird cm....since 7 dpo cleary water jelly with white creamy globs sorry tmi. Strange sensation below belly button... funny cramps...not af like. Can't lay down on my stomach...feels uncomfortable. Cervix soft close and bbt temps....not saying anything. Af due sunday 12/7/15. Took cheapi with fmu....looks to faint to even be there