Missed period.

I was suppose to start the 4th. I've had alot of discharge type but most isn't really clear like egg whites I've read about. It's more white and creamy. My stomach feels so tight and like I'm just full of gas. Could I be pregnant? Waiting til pay day to get a test
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Posted at
Oo okay. But at least to know if you are or you are not, the dollar ones are great. Just an FyI :) 


Posted at
I took a $1 test test a few minutes ago and it came out negative. :/ I've been drinking alot of water today so could that be why?


Elizabeth • Jul 11, 2015
No. At this point since you are techincally late, there would be enough hcg in the system to show. Try again in a few days!


Posted at
Hey Y'all I Was Supposed To Start My Mc Last Friday The 3rd and I took a pregnancy test that Saturday a bfn I took another one yesterday a ept it was a bfn and still no AF I supposed to be 5 weeks and 1 day and due date march 10, 2016


Mylika • Jul 11, 2015
and i have been having symptoms like yours too elizabeth


Mylika • Jul 11, 2015
but i have never missed a period this long the longest was 3 days late


Mylika • Jul 11, 2015
thank you girl i hate that though i should probably wait another week to see if af comes


Posted at
I was suppose to start my period on the 4th I spotted and after that nothing i been having discharge now I'm wondering if I'm pregnant ? Has anyone experienced this? 


Posted at
Since is has been a few days after, I'd go to the dollar store and get the dollar test. Those work after your missed period. We are on the same cycle. If you are, you'd be turning 5 weeks tmmro!! GL


Kelsi • Jul 11, 2015
I wanted to get the clear blue test. that tells you how far along. and oh my goodness. :( didn't know I could be that far. I've been trying to wait a few days to see if my period will pop up