Am I on my way.....


To a boy or girl??? This is just for fun :) <3

So far I'm only 13 weeks and 4 days

Symptoms include

Body: lost weight, morning sickness hit and then the past two weeks it's been really bad (finally lightening up), hair seems to be thinner, hands are dry alot, dry mouth, and heavy feeling

Cravings: Nacho cheese and slim jims.

Baby's Heart beat

173, 153, 167

Conceived in April 2015, Due in January 2016, and I'll be 23 in August

Hubby has gained a few pounds (maybe 2-3)

Emotions have been a surprise to everyone including me, I swear my hormones are in a hat and my brain just picks one at random no matter what the situation is

Any guesses?

This was my ultrasound at 10 weeks, not sure if anyone knows any signs that would have shown that early but...