Actively TTC

Hi everyone, my name is Liz and me and my husband of a year are actively TTC for our first child. We are currently in our first month of trying. My periods are very irregular so it's really hard to know when I'm ovulating. I'm currently 47 days from the first day of my last period and I've taken two pregnancy tests with two negative outcomes. I'm hoping keeping track of my CM will help. Also hoping my period just starts soon so that I have more of an idea of how long my cycles are. My friends say to just relax and let it happen but I'm a planner and it's hard for me to let anything just happen. Anyone else will irregular periods? If so have you been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian disease? I was told by my gyno that if I'm not pregnant in 6 months that we will check into pcos so hopefully that's not a cause to my irregular periods. Good luck to everyone else trying TTC!