What's going on?

Renea • My name is Renea. My husband and I have been TTC for 2 and a half years. Haven`t been blessed yet. We are so ready for a little one. Hoping that this app will help us soon!
I have had a very irregular cycle most ever since I was 15, but the past year has been regular except the past couple of months. During May, my cycle was a no show so I tested on June 1st. It was positive and the line was easy to see. I decided to wait a couple of days to see if it would be darker. That test was a negative and no line to be seen. :( On June 11th, my cycle came and was normal. My cycle for this month was supposed to be yesterday. I spotted very little and now nothing. I took another test this morning, and we think we see a faint line, but not sure. It's a lot lighter than the one we took in June. What do you think? We don't know what to think. The test are First Response tests.