Anyone experience slightly elevated BP?

I had my 36 week checkup on Friday. My BP is usually 100-110's/60-70's. On Friday, it was 132/93. I don't know why my diastolic is so high. We checked it at the beginning and end of my appt and it was the same both times. I have my next appt on Tuesday. I did ask my doc if I should be concerned and she said we'd recheck it on Tuesday and see if it's still elevated.
So I've been checking my BP at home and for the most part, it's staying right around the same as it was at the appt. every now and then I'll get a reading that's closer to 120/80 but for the most part, my diastolic is in the 90's.
I should add, I've never had any protein show up in my urine. 
Anyone have an experience similar to this? Just trying to anticipate what my doc might decide to do. I wasn't sure at what point they start treating high BP.